Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Welcome to life

It's time to keep track of this life.

Anthony and I were married May 19, 2007. It is almost our one year anniversary! We were married on the shores of Navajo Lake, on Cedar Mountain. We had our honeymoon as a road trip to the beach in California. On our way there, as we were staying at a friend's house in Las Vegas, I decided I wasn't feeling good, and we went and got a pregnancy test. It was positive.
My little man was conceived May 5, 2007. Yes, two weeks before I got married. I know some of you will frown at that. Too bad. I had decided taht my life was about love. I knew I'd be spending the rest of my life with Anthony, and we had decided we'd like to have a child. It didn't matter whether we were married or not, we love each other and wanted to share that with a new little being.
Neils Everett was born January 29, 2008 at 2:44 pm. He weighed 9 pounds 7 ounces, and was 21 and a half inches long. He had some hair, the same color as mine. His eyes were blue, and I'm positive they will stay blue, but they might be dark like mine or light like Anthony's.

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