Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy birthday to me!

Yesterday was my birthday! Yay!
My dad took 10 of us, and two babies, out to dinner. What a crazy man. I got to choose, and of course, chose Mexican food. I love carne asadas! Yum.
Afterwards, some of them (Cait, Tony, Atreyu, Chris, Luke, Kirstie, mom, Anthony, Neils and I) played Apples to Apples and Cranium at my house. It was fun, but I pooped out early. It was long day for me.
Want to know the bummer of the day?
No cake.
Today when I went to work, my boss asked how my birthday was, and I told him it was good, but that I didn't even get a birthday cake! We were still doing inventory, but he left for a bit so I was there with April, counting and counting, and when he came back he otld me I had to go to the back room to put some glass in a case. When I walked out, there was a cake on the counter, and a card (playing the chicken dance...) Then...we ate cake, (but it was white cake, with white and green and blue frosting, so it doesn't count, it's not chocolate so it isn't the real thing ;)... ) then it was time to go home. When I got home I expected a cake, but no, just fish and chips (home made by Anthony, corn meal breaded pollock fish and sweet potato fries...mmmmm, I taught him well). So, I plyed with Neils some more and got him ready for bed. When I was putting Neils to sleep, Anthony came in and told me I had visitors, so I handed Neils to him, and went a candle-lit birthday cake, from my brother and Kirstie! And, yes, it was the real thing-chocolate!!

I know I'm silly.... But they are silly for forgetting my cake!

1 comment:

Alecia said...

I totally agree! A Birthday isn't complete without a birthday cake- now matter how old you are! For my 22nd birthday, I didn't get a cake either. What's the deal with that?