Yes, he is still a baby!!
Neils was born January 29, 2008 at 2:44 pm.
He was due January 24, and I had to be induced to get him out, no matter how hard I tried to prevent that.
He weighed 9 lbs 7.5 ounces, was 21 1/2 inches long.
He loves to feed himself. He could eat all day if I jsut gave him finger foods. He especially loves cookies and chocolate. I try so hard not to give it to him, but sometimes I just need to.
Neils is pretty tempermental. He gets very angry at the littlest things, and giggles at the silliest things.
He can say:
"at" -Cat
"woof" - (that's a dog, my sister's dog is named Rufio, and he says "woof" so he calls all dogs woof.
"Ama" -Grandma, my mom.
"Bah" -bye, like with a southern accent. This also means 'ball' and 'bath', depending on the situation.
"hot" - and he holds his hand up with his palm open. sometimes he blows, like blowing a candle out.
He mimics me sometimes, only once though. I'll say 'uh oh' and he'll copy me, then not do it again if I try to get him to.
He points and says 'uh' when he wants something.
He turns his palms up when I say "all gone"
He likes peas and carrots.
He tries to put his shoes and socks on after he takes them off in the car.
He wants me more than he wants anyone, but he never misbehaves for my mom like he does for me. She can get him to sleep quicker than I can, too.
He is pretty much in 18 month clothes.
He claps his hands when someone says 'yay'
He makes a noise, like when rolling R's, but he does it in the back of his mouth, like in his throat. it is crazy. It makes him sound like a wookie.
He is still too much of a chicken to take even one step.
He loves animals!!
He does that thing where you get your fimger and wiggle it at your lips...make sense??