Sunday, January 2, 2011

Once again, I appear randomly.

Its a new year! I could have a resolution to blog more, but I think that might not work. I need a place to vent, to let stuff out, though. I need a place to just say random stuff, to leave ideas, to have thoughts floating around that I can catch sometimes. I go again.
As we all know by now, I am vegan, and have been since June. That "diet" could be tricky. There are lots of processed items, like OREOS that are technically vegan...but you don't really think about it unless someone tells you or you find out some other way. So just being vegan doesn't mean you eat healthier or you lose weight, it just means that you don't eat any animal stuffs. Agh.

My resolutions for the new year....
-keep up a healthy lifestyle. don't eat all those desserts and treats, and things that I think I need but I know my body doesn't need
-have better control over myself. i need to be able to accomplish all tasks on time, without making up reasons for NOT doing it.
-exercise...this also goes along with the first two. the control over my actions, attitude and lifestyle will make it easier to exercise.
-graduate, finally. i'm getting there!
-work harder to create more interest and success in my businesses.

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