Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Reach your goal!

I’ve decided to start my exercising again. I found something that I’d really like to do. It’s onSelf.com, and it is part of the Self “Reach your goal” challenges. I’m doing the lose your baby weight one, obviously. The only problem I have with it is that I don’t know if I’ll ever have time to do a lot of the exercising, but I think I can fit it into my schedule since I can go for walks with Neils or something. The cold air is starting to discourage me, though. I wish I had a jogger stroller, then I could go to the indoor gym at SUU and use that in the winter. I can also sign up for a class where I HAVE to go to the gym at least 3 days a week for half an hour each time. I think that is it…I did it a few years ago. I don’t know why I didn’t think of doing it this semester! Duh!

On the Self website, which I LOVE, by the way, there is a place where you can do the challenges together. You can sign up, invite friends, and you can all post about your progress. I was wondering if anybody wanted to do it with me, since there are a lot of you who have babies and might want to join, but I think that it will work for you in a positive way even if you didn’t just have a baby. It is just exercising and eating right, so I think it could work for anybody. I just chose that, since it is a big issue to me right now. Just to exercise and become more fit. I wanted to try the running one, but I don’t think I am physically capable of even running half a mile at the moment.
So, anybody want to play??

Here is the linkto see what I'm talkign about: http://www.self.com/goal/welcome


Katelyn said...

I wanna!

Katelyn said...

hey my email is just my first and last name at hotmail.