Monday, September 22, 2008

Rooster hair

I remember now!

I dropped my brother off a school a few weeks ago, and I noticed something very strange...

Within the two minutes taht I was near Cedar High, I saw three girls with the same hairstyle. I know they can't be the only three at that school with the same hair style, so it makes me laugh. Why is it so funny? Because it is a silly hair style. It really's like a rooster or something... I know one girl who has the hairstyle, and right now I'm working on finding a picture of her on the internet. I can do it...I know who she is, but I don't know her personally (she is my ex boyfriend's brother's wife now, they weren't dating when I was around)

Ahh, here is the hairstyle...her face is colored out...

Isn't it silly? Chopping your hair down to one or two inches on the top of your head?? The other girls hair was a little different, more in the back and in onyl a tiny spot, not so spread out like this, but it was the best way I could show and explain it. Plus, I think this is silly, too. Sure, I chopped my hair like that once, but the rest of my hair was really short, too. I know I've had silly hairdos, but I wasn't like five other people in my school, either. I'm not trying to be mean, I just wanted to share it. It makes me smile everytime I see it.

Please, just let me know what you think. I want to hear all the comments! Take two seconds to let me know if you think I'm mean for calling it silly, or whatever else you may think!


Katelyn said...

Haha! Okay, so there is this girl here in Logan that I know. She has this exact same hair style and I've been making fun of it for months now. I didn't know it was that popular. You are right. It is silly.

Alecia said...

I agree with you. It's funny and ugly but most of all just ugly. I have seen it for awhile now and hoped it wouldn't get popular. I actually sat behind a girl in church with this hairdo and was trying to figure it out. Still haven't! It makes no sense to me! It's just ugly!I don't know why you would cut just some of your hair short. It seems like it would be a huge pain to do. What if one day you didn't want it sticking up? You'd have to hairspray the crap out of it to have it lay down. NOT COOL!