Thursday, March 26, 2009


My baby got a boo boo. His first big owie.
He was crawling on the couch, reached out to the coffee table to grab a Cheerio, then slipped and hit his head on the table. Ugh!
The first two pictures are right after it happened, with the camera on my phone.
He didn't cry or anything. He was just like this, and it freaked my mom out! She was the one with him when he did it, while I was in class. She called right when I got out and said she didn't want to scare me, but I needed to come home now.

This is him playing, with the bandaid on his eye. I have to not let him see it, or he'll play with it.

This is what it looks like now, only a day later it is already healed really well. No stitches for this guy!

1 comment:

Katelyn said...

Ouch! That looks painful. What a tough little man! He's so cute!