Friday, August 29, 2008

no sleep...

This is crazy. Neils just won't sleep-again.
He was sleeping pretty good, going to be around 8 and waking up about every three or 3 1/2 hours. That sucks, but there is worse. Like now! He is waking up all the time, about every hour, for half the night. Last night, he woke up at three, and I fed him a little and tried to get him to sleep for about an hour. I went back and forth, letting him cry for a bit then trying again. I finally couldn't handle it anymore, I couldn't stand having him nursing anymore, so I had to just put him down and try the pacifier again. Nothing worked, so I just left him in there, and finally i woke Anthony up and told him to help me. I have never done that before. He has helped before, but early in the night, before he went to sleep. I just had to wake him up, I couldn't do it!! I put a pillow over my head, and I went to sleep. I finally woke up around 6, when Neils usually wakes up in the morning. Anthony took him out to the couch and had slept there, but Neils had woke up, so I picked him up and brought him to my bed. I was so tired, from battling with him all night. I knew he had to be tired,and I figured he would sleep if he was in the bed with me, so I just did it. I know it goes against everything I have been trying to get him out of the habit of, but I couldn't help it. His sleep has been so awful lately, tonight I put him to bed at 8:30, and he has already woken up twice. At least I only have to put the pacifier back in his mouth a few times then feed him then see what else happens.

1 comment:

Alecia said...

Oh my gosh, I can totally relate! Getting no sleep is one of the worst things in the world. How old is your son? He sure is cute.Does he have his own room? My baby did this and we just let him cry it out. Unless they are newborn there is no reason that they need to be waking up tons in the night! It's so frusturating, I know. It kills you at first, but it really does teach them if you let them cry. Maybe he has an ear infection?? If not, and everything is okay, you should just let him cry. We did this. We just put a fan in our room so we couldn't hear him, and every once in awhile I'd go check on him. But, you NEED your sleep, or your whole day and life is screwed up. Some babies just don't sleep. We just had to go a few nights with letting him scream himself to sleep! Now, he goes to bed at 8 ish and wakes up at about 7:30. Unless he is sick, I refuse to get up with him during that time. He doesn't need to. Adults don't get up in the night, so babies shouldn't need to either. Unless they are sick or newborn. That's the lesson I am trying to get across. Well, sorry for writing a novel, I just know it's good to hear that someone else has gone through this stuff too. I hope it kind of helps! Good luck!!