Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May 16-20, 09

on Saturday we all went out to dinner, because the group reached their incentive goal, so that meant dinner. There was a big group of us that went and ate at a barbecue restaurant. It took so long because they gave a new girl to a big party of like, 25 of us, and I just didn't enjoy my food much. Barbecue restaurants just aren't my thing. It was nice, though, to see some of the people and talk to them a bit.
We went to the lake on Sunday, and Anthony fished while Neils ran around chasing some ducks. He was so into getting the ducks that he did run right into the water after them. To try to get the ducks closer, I gave Neils some crackers to give he ducks, but he wanted to eat them, so Anthony tried, then Neils got it. Later, we played Apples to apples with a smaller group of the people at another apartment, then went to bed. Anthony is doing really well at his job, and the boss broadcasts these tv announcement things every morning, and if you do well the day before, he calls out your name. Anthony is getting called out almost every day. It's cool to see him that excited about it, too. I don't go there to see it, but he comes home and tells me about it afterwards.
Yesterday was our 2nd anniversary, but Anthony worked the whole day. We did go to breakfast, but it sucked. It was no good. Yesterday was so lame! But this weekend we are going to a restaurant overlooking the river downtown. Maybe we'll try that breakfast thing again. At another location.
We got a couch for free, too, but it is kind of dirty. I think I'm going to get a cover for it, I can't really stand it.
Neils can say his name! He won't do it often, but he says 'Nees.' It is cute! he is also very affectionate, and loves to give hugs randomly. He keeps himself entertained a lot, but he is also very needy still. That's my boy.
Me...I am utterly exhausted all the time. Ugh.
There are a lot of pictures from the Sunday at the lake. The new album is called "May 17 2009" here is the link:

1 comment:

Loni said...

Happy anniversary. In my experience, those "special" days get less and less special each year. By my standard, breakfast was awesome! But, I'm glad to hear you have higher expectations than I do. You should.
I'm glad you're enjoying WA.Neils is so cute. again, congrats.