Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I am crazy

So, tommorrow is Thanksgiving. Since we just moved into a new house, and it has a big kitcken and lots of room, I decided I was goping to have Thanksgiving here this year.
I am crazy.
Me, Anthony, Neils, Tony, Cait, Atreyu, Minnie, Stuart, Mom, Dad, Liz, Chris, John, Luke, Kirstie, and maybe Weasel.
I am making dinner for 14 people and two babies. Wow.
My list of things to make:
Regular turkey
smoked turkey
regular mashed potatoes
rosemary mashed potatoes
wasabi mashed potatoes
cornbread stuffing
regular stuffing
green beans with bacon
relish tray
2 pumpkin pies
2 double layer pumpkin pies (the best things ever!!!)
my mom is making rolls and chocolate cream pie
my dad is making ham, gravy, and yams
Stuart is making cinnamon rolls
Minnie is making fruit salad
I could have delegated more to more people, but I really like doing things on my own.


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