Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hello, Baby E. Nice to see you!

This is Baby E, also known as creepy alien.

Spine, heart, profile. Can you see it? I think there are fingertips there, too.
Face, front on. See, I told you-alien.
If the previous picture didn't prove it, this one surely will.
The doctor said my placenta is low, so I have to go get another ultrasound in 5 weeks. He also said that, according to my ultrasound, I'm due December 24th. I have to get shots again t 28 weeks, for the RH factor thing.
Poor little baby looks squished in there, doesn't she??


Katelyn said...

How fun! I'm excited for you!

Alecia said...

GIRL!!!!! IT'S A GIRL!!!!! YAY! I am so excited for you!