Thursday, July 16, 2009


I know I have not updated this a lot lately, except for my sales. There is a lot to say a lot of pictures to post, but I feel like venting a little. Ha ha

I feel bad. I do all this preparation, all this late-night work, updating, e-mailing, and it feels like a big waste of time. This big super sale I've been having isn't going as well as I thought it would. I don't get it. I have no idea why. The site gets a lot of hits, but not a lot of orders. I wish I knew what the problem was- is it my prices? my items? my site layout or look? is something not working?? is discouraging. I told Anthony I am thinking about just giving up on my website all together. I do much better at live shows, where I and my products are face to face with the customer, but the least it reaches people I will never be able to see. Agh. What to do. Spend more time spreading the word, add more funds to advertise, or pay someone to make my site better than I could ever do? Agh again. Agh.

But, it did make me happy that Anthony talked all day to his customers about what a wonderful bbq sandwich his wife woudl have for him when he got home. At least I am an awesome cook!


Alecia said...

Hey! Business is SO HARD! I have no idea what to tell you. I think your website looks good. I don't know the secret to getting the word around and getting yourself out there! It's so hard. I am learning that word of mouth has been most effective. Hopefully when I get Jax's shirts from you, and I post him wearing them on my blog, people will see them and want to order! I am sure it is A TON of work! Hang in there & Good luck! p.s. I think your stuff is dang cute. I would order more but have absolutely no moola. Maybe in the future though...I like a lot of your jewelry.

Katelyn said...

Sierra, I'm with Alecia. I love your stuff. It's all so cute and I would totally buy it if I had money to spare. I don't think your things are too expensive. I think your website is great too.

I've seen a lot of people do giveaways on blogs like


and also some photography businesses.

I'm not real sure how it works or what the incentive to do it is. Maybe just to get people to look at their website, I don't know, but they do it. Hmm...that probably wasn't any help at all. Sorry!